Song: Original Itazuke Alma Mater
Blue and white, we love your colors
As twilight gently falls.
And shadows gently darken
Our Itazuke walls.
Beneath the stars we'll gather
To pledge our love to thee;
Shout praises, Alma Mater
That will live through eternity
Song: We’re From Itazuke
We're from Itazuke
Don't you forget
We've got the spirit
And we've got the pep
Just you wait and watch and see
So fight to the finish boys
We're out to win
Song: Soran
Soran is one of the most famous ancient dance songs in Japan. It seems that quite a few of our students participated in Japanese dance and thus are familiar with these songs.
Song: Tanko Bushi
Tanko Bushi is a famous Fukuoka coal mining song that is very famous.
- Tankō Bushi (炭坑節) is a Japanese folk song. Despite the term “fushi/bushi” found in its name, the rhythm is in swung, ondo style. It is a song about coal mining, and it refers to old Miike Mine in Kyūshū (Tagawa City). Tagawa is in Fukuoka prefecture.
- At one reunion we had Japanese dancers dancing to the song and it amazed me as to how many American students knew the music and and actually participated because they even knew the dance. It seems many of our students were taught this and other dances. It is often played and danced to at Obon in Japan an here in America at Japanese Bazaars.
Song: Itazuke Tower